Sunday, November 17, 2013

30 Day Challenge: Conclusion

Well, I have made it 30 days without shopping, and with 30 different outfits! I started this challenge for a few reasons. I was laid off when the division I was working at was acquired by another company. Because of this, my husband and I started a more strict budget. A new Fall wardrobe was definitely out of the picture. I was also left with a lot of free time to do the things I didn't have time for in the past, like starting a blog. I got the idea to do the challenge while talking about my woes to a friend. It is not the most revolutionary challenge out there, but I learned more than I thought I would in the process...

What I learned:
  • I have a lot of clothes: "I have nothing to wear" is not an excuse! I have a ton of stuff to wear! After going through my closet and seasonal clothing box, I realized how much I really had. A lot of things I had totally forgotten about! Next season, I will plan to look through everything I have before being tempted to go on a shopping spree. 
  • Planning ahead makes it easy: I planned about 5 outfits at a time and took pics of them on my phone so I would not forget them. I am not a morning person, so this made the mornings so much easier! 
  • Be inspired: I look at Pinterest and blogs a lot for outfit inspiration. Whenever I see something I like, I pin it. Usually I already have the pieces in my closet to put together something similar.
  • I'm not fat! I am about 10 lbs heavier that I would like to be, and am struggling to lose the weight. I thought the hardest thing about this challenge would be looking at pictures of myself, but I was wrong! I actually like the way I look, and dressing in cute outfits makes me feel good about myself and my body. This boost in confidence is the most important thing I have gained from this challenge, yay!
What's next?
  • I am working on some DIY projects, so stay tuned for some fun fashion DIY!
  • There might be another 30 Day Challenge on the horizon! My friend has expressed interest in letting me into her closet to help her make outfits...

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing Chrissy!! I love all the various outfits you created. Very stylish.
