Friday, November 15, 2013

30 Day Challenge: Day 28, Triangles

I look like my mom!

 Loving these heels!

Does it get any better than jeans and a sweatshirt? They are my top 2 favorite pieces of clothing. This was a plain grey sweatshirt until last night when I decided to add some nail heads to the sleeves. (I will add a DIY post soon!) I like how it came out! I would like to rave about these Gap Always Skinny Jeans for a second. They fit great, are comfortable, and look good on almost every body type. For $69 I think they are an incredible value and the best jean in their price point. (Plus if you catch a sale, you can get them for 30% off). These heels add a little sass to an otherwise casual look. Usually, I shy away from heels, but this chunky heel and rounded toe make them easy to walk in.

Key Pieces:
Sweatshirt: Old Navy with some DIY
White Shirt: H&M 2010
Jeans: Gap Always Skinny Jeans
Shoes: Lucky via Ruelala
Flag necklace: Jewel Mint


  1. I'm starting to feel like I look like my mom too. Luckily for us they are pretty ladies ;)

  2. Chrissy, You are so beautiful on the inside and the outside. I am so proud of you!!!!! Thanks for the nicest compliment! Love, Mom
